We Are Legend, We Are The Monsters


We Are Legend, We Are The Monsters broadcast on the Mike Malloy Show on August 17, 2009.

Listen to Mike exclusively on the non-profit Progressive Voices Radio network LIVE at 9PM ET here: http://www.progressivevoices.com/

Below is an excerpt. To read the rest of the words go here http://www.voicesinourheads.com/2009/08/08/we-are-legend-we-are-the-monsters/

It seems that we are an extremely tolerant nation. Collectively we’ve tolerated the big Nuremberg no-no: Wars of Aggression. Our two wars have led to the deaths of over a million human beings, the majority of the dead being women and children. We’ve tolerated spending the hundreds of billions upon hundreds of billions of dollars … of our money … massacring innocent people … and we seem to accept that we will continue the slaughter for years to come. We’ve tolerated torturing people … sometimes to death. We have allowed the people that committed war crimes to walk away unpunished.

We’re quite the open-minded nation when it comes to causing death and destruction.

But we are intolerant of people and ideas that could never harm us. People of the same-sex who want to get married and people with a darker skin color bring out the monsters among us.

There are some delusional Americans who do not want their tax dollars used to pay for someone’s abortion but have stood mute while their taxes have paid for the massacre of women and children in illegal wars. This is how monsters think.

We don’t have to call it Fascism. The word has been overused. It belongs in history books describing how other governments and the people that supported them went mad.

To stop our country from finishing the journey into insanity … Let’s call it what it is.

We are ruled by monsters. The Corporatocracy and their highly paid hacks want to turn us all into monsters. Self centered swine who want what we want when we want it … and will accept anything, including the demonization and slaughter of the innocent, to get it



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